PixelmonCraft.com - Pokemon In Minecraft!

· 1 min read
PixelmonCraft.com - Pokemon In Minecraft!

Are you a big fan of Minecraft? Are you a Pokemon fan? You're at the right place! PixelmonCraft.com combines both on our player-friendly Pixelmon Server.

PixelmonCraft.com takes the popular Pokemon-themed Pixelmon mod and turns it into a multiplayer.  Plugins Split over multiple servers that are based on the Pokemon regions from the super-popular Nintendo games, PixelmonCraft not only recreates the towns and areas of the games, but also replicates as much of the gameplay as it is possible. Animals in Minecraft are not just replaced with Pokemon, but they can be captured and fought with. There are Pokemarts to shop at and gym leaders to battle, and long-grass to avoid.